Road to Ljubelj Pass

The road to Ljubelj Pass, which is located at an elevation of 1369 m, is very well known to all sledding enthusiasts and offers a run for the more experienced.
Starting point: parking area in front of Ljubelj Tunnel (1058 m) Length: 2300 Height: 311 Ascent: 50 min Highest point: Ljubelj Pass (1369 m) 46.439165, 14.266713 Best time to visit: December - March

Ljubelj Pass, which lies at an elevation of 1369 m, is very well known to sledding enthusiasts. From the parking lot in front of the Ljubelj Tunnel, you will ascend the two-and-a-half-kilometre-long road with 13 serpentines in less than an hour. Closed to traffic, the road is 3-4 metres in width, and on some sections it is very steep.

The road is not usually maintained specifically for sledders, but when snow conditions are favourable a descent from the pass by sled is pure adrenaline-filled joy.

A renovated hut is located at the pass. In good weather you can enjoy views all the way to the Ljubljana Basin. In cold weather you can warm up next to the masonry stove.

Due to the steep incline, sledding is only recommended for the more experienced. Be sure to check out conditions of the run in advance (due to the steeper slope, an icy track can be very challenging) and the risk of avalanche danger (in some places the road is exposed to avalanches).

Sledding is at your own risk.


T: 041 603 269, 041 385 989