The people of Tržič have always liked to eat meat, and they loved "tonka" - the gravy from roasting meat. They have often prepared floury dishes, like "žganci" (buckwheat mush), and "štruklji" (dumplings), as well as "močnik" and "kaša" (types of porridge). 

The best known Tržič dish is Tržič bržola. There's a story about how the dish originated, when a merry band having a good time up on Kofce mountain pasture ran out of food and stole a ewe and cooked it up with some seasonings and herbs growing on the pasture.

The varied history of the region has left its mark on the culinary traditions as well. Together with Austrian soldiers the people of the Tržič region came to know the dish made from pasta, bacon, potatoes, and onions called "grenadirmarš."

In Tržič restaurants and inns you can taste some traditional dishes prepared in a contemporary way specially for you. The mountain dairies in the summer months serve mainly milk-based dishes. Sour milk in combination with various porridges, “masovnek”, and dumplings are dishes that are sure to tickle your taste buds. The Tržič region is also proudly home to the first Slovenian organic beer, original spirits and unforgettable desserts.

The selection of foods is especially diverse during events and festivities. It would be a sin to miss out on so much goodness!

Places to eat