Nativity scenes in Sebenje
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Just as every family has its own garden arranged according to its taste, the nativity scene at each house is also distinctive. They differ in size, layout, and lighting.
Viewing of the nativity scenes is best in late afternoon or evening, when it is already dark out. The nativity scenes conjure up a particularly magical ambience in the glow of festive lighting.
The direction of the tour is not important, but don't forget to peek into the side streets, especially the "farmer's street" in Sebenje (the street that leads to the ski jumping centre). You can have a family competition to see who can find the most nativity scenes, or who can find the next one first.
From the centre of Sebenje, more precisely from the "farmer's street", where the story of the street nativity scenes began, you can go for a walk along the Three Bells Trail, past the Pr' Obstarju farm in the direction of the ski jumping centre. The trail winds along the northern part of Udin Woods and is pleasant and undemanding for all ages.